Accelerated Reading

Accelerated Reader Program at William Brookes School

William Brookes School has been running a programme called Accelerated Reader for a number of years. We decided to use this programme because of national concerns about the literacy of students taking GCSE exams. Government research has shown that there are some students sitting exams without the necessary reading ability to answer questions successfully.

In order to tackle this problem, William Brookes School has invested in a programme that has proven to improve the reading skills of students in secondary education.

Having run the programme for several years, we can confirm that those taking part are making considerable progress improving the skills of comprehension, inference, and analysis – whereas those not engaging are not. Our aim is to get every student involved in a programme that we are now sure works.

The process involved is detailed below:

1. Determine a reading level

A student’s optimal reading level is determined through the STAR Reading assessment.  This will give each student a reading level (not related to grades or reading age) within which the student will achieve maximum success with their quizzing. This will take the form of a colour – ‘I need to read red books and a number e.g. 3.0 – 3.9. This assessment will be completed three times a year to monitor progress and offer intervention.

2. Get a book that is precisely what they should be reading

Using the AR book guide to buy – or visiting the library where books will be colour coded (over 2000). Students will choose a book appropriate to them; accessible but challenging.

3. Take an online quiz about the book they have read (by searching for the book or entering the quiz number inside library book). It is this part of the process that trains the brain to read for information rather than just narrative.

Each quiz passed will contribute toward a certificate (which will be chosen specifically for them and match their ability). Rewards will be given on production of a certificate.

All students will have instructions emailed to them with links and guidance. Additionally, they will access the site in ICT lessons to complete their tests.

Tutors will monitor reading and be able to assist students who may run into difficulties.

We hope that with your support we can help ensure that all our students are ready for exams before the beginning of their GCSE courses.

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